Sunday, September 19, 2010

Robot Basket Pull or Boomer pulls a hamstring!

I saw this on RobotDreams a few months ago. This contest was done at the Wonderful Robot Carnival July. 2010 in Kawasaki, Japan. It was called the Bottle Traction Competition. I have been wanting to do it since July. Now that Boomer MK III is working, I wanted to try it out. Below is the video that Lem took.

Here is my setup with Boomer ready to go.
This is my test pull with a empty basket.

I am thinking that the table top my be too slick? I may need to make boots for Boomer?
The next video is with one bottle water in the basket.

I stopped Boomer too soon but I was afraid that he was going to walk off of the table. The Pull was 95 cm.
The finally pull was with two bottle waters in the basket.

The pull was 20 1/2 cm. Not great but not bad.
Look at the basket and the two bottles of water. As you can see they are full of water.

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