Monday, April 23, 2012

Robogame 2012 post from a plane!

I have lots more videos to post and a few more pictures. I well post them as fast as I can. My opinion that how good your servos are or how much they cost is the most important factor in how well your robot will do, was as reinforced yet again. I was very disappointed that there was no Darwin-OPs entered in the autonomous events. The only reason the NAO did not dominate those events was because of the very good robots built by the Korean team. I was disappointed by the new mechwarfare arena it was almost imposable for kids to see what was going on in the arena. All negatives aside I thought it was one of the best RoboGames that I have been too. The Japanese team added a lot of fun and energy to the event. I think everyone in the US needs to step up their game so that we can better compete with them.

1 comment:

  1. I think the US did pretty well in the Light weight humanoid kung-fu event. All the winners of that event were from the US. What we really need is a well funded team form an American University. It costs a lot of money to make robots that would be able to compete with the Korean and Japanese teams. Most hobbyists are unable or unwilling to invest 5 to 10k for a robot.
