Friday, February 1, 2013

The Best Advice for a New 3D Printer Owner

You just got a new 3d printer for Christmas and you are now struggling to get it to work. My best advice is to seek out other 3d printer owners in your area. The best places to look are your local Hackerspace / Makerspace, tech groups and Maker Faires. Check out the Maker Map and for local places to check out.

The picture below was taken at my local Hackerspace CCCKC in Kansas City, MO by Josh Bookout.  

Link to Maker Map. 

Link to 

Maker Faires 

Forums and Google groups are good places to seek out help and advice but nothing beats face to face interaction with a person who has the same printer as you. An added plus is that you will see other types of printers in action. You can also trade tips and lessons you have learned with other 3d printer users. The biggest benefit to you will be the ability to demonstrate firsthand the problems you are having to people who have expertise in the area of 3d printing. They may not solve your problem but they will give you ideas and suggestions as to how to solve your issue.

I would also encourage you to become a member of your local 3d printer group. So you can pass on your new knowledge to the next new 3d printer owner who walks in the door seeking help and advice with their 3d printing issues.

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