Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Another THOR-MANG (THOR-OP) Sighting.

This time it is in a South Korean newspaper, I think. I wish that I  could read Korean!

Link to article.

Google Translate of part of the article:

'Virginia Tech and the University of Pennsylvania, ROBOTIS, Harris (U.S. Military Company) The pawn-led consortium Dennis Hong (Red Form) Bernie and Daniel Lee Jia Institute of Technology Professor, Professor Mark all Pennsylvania is the Korean robot scientists representing the scientific community are. 2007 Urban Challenge in each of three different wave accounted for, such as 5 Hong Professor and Professor Lee made since the United Nations team of autonomous robot soccer World Cup, "RoboCup at 'winning streak in 2011 and 2012 was also won the grip.Union joined the team one of these ROBOTIS the Hong-li union team in the RoboCup appearances with Darwin - Opie 'such as the creation of robots for Robot Servo Motor is announcing the name of the production company. The last 4 days not ROBOTIS Seoul Gasan Gasan Digital Complex Robot Research Institute as Senior hanjaegwon inside the human-shaped robot humanoid robot teams 'Thor' (THOR · Strategic risk work robot, Korean name 'ttolmang') and take a full swing training was Senior researcher, "this month detailed design review of progress literally design and analysis of simulation results, including the step of screening, but the competition is fierce saw one or two real robots created to demonstrate that intelligence teams have seen," he said. Thor time ROBOTIS team directly shipped to the United States at Virginia Tech is expected to show the pilot. Hugh Hirsch reported dia already moved to Drexel University is set.The remaining teams are also jaengjaeng. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the Johnson Space Center (JSC), respectively, the two teams will participate. Curio City on Mars Jet Propulsion Laboratory successfully dispatched skills, and the Johnson Space Center in Walnut robotic humanoids from the Space Shuttle and Space Station missions, and experience.National Robotics Engineering Center at Carnegie units melreon different wave Grand Challenge and Urban Challenge Championship runner-winning team that is brilliant. In recent years, the full support of the Obama administration has been up to. Japanese robot company created by University of Tokyo professor from the shaft, the robot system is higher than the Asimo humanoid robot acclaimed 'eyichiahreu blood' (HRP) to upgrade the exhibition attracted the attention of the scientific community is that the robot. The common soldier exoskeleton robot that makes Superman four American military companies have developed a course chulsapyo Lacey threw temperature. Final appearance in 2014 reveal that the speculations that eseona 'adherence Ho' is also Japanese car company Honda's Asimo is considered."

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