Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Robby the Clone 2.0 or a functional 3d printed humanoid robot!

This is my 3d printed version of the DARwIn-OP. He is not perfect yet but I am making progress.

"What is the Darwin-OP you may ask? DARwIn-OP is an acronym for (Dynamic Anthropomorphic Robot with Intelligence - Open Platform) or DARwIn for short. The DARwIn-OP was developed by the RoMeLa research lab at Virginia Tech in collaboration with University of Pennsylvania, Purdue University and ROBOTIS. ROBOTIS is a world leading South Korean robotic’s company. Their Dynamixel servos are the leading robotic servos in the world and the key to why the DARwIn-OP is so ground breaking. The lead designers of the DARwIn-OP project were Dr. Dennis Hong of Virginia Tech’s RoMeLa and ROBOTIS. It is a state of the art research and development humanoid robot. The DARwIn-OP weighs in at about 2.9 kilograms and a height of 45.5 cm. The DARwIn-OP has won the gold medal for humanoid Kid size 3 on 3 soccer robot class at RoboCup for both 2011 and 2012. The robot is both an open hardware and software project. Being a open project is a great help to me in getting this project to work because all of the 3D files and plans are available online for download."

Support website.

Where you can buy the manufactured version!


  1. hi
    good job
    i have a question i want using op-darwin controller and Bioloid body you think is possible ?!??!

  2. It is possible but you will have to redesign the Bioloid torso.
