Saturday, August 2, 2014

What is in a DARWIN-MINI Robot Kit.

This is the first in a series of blog post about the DARWIN-MINI that I am going to create. In the series I will take the reader from unboxing to getting the robot to work and to upgrading the robot.

Video of the DARWIN-MINI in action.

The first two questions I get after someone sees my DARWIN-MINI in action is how much does it cost and what is in the kit. Both questions are easy to answer.

The kit costs 499.99 in US dollars and you can buy it at the below websites.

In the MakerShed and at the Robotis.US website. 

Now to the second question. What is in the kit.

Below are the all of the injected molded plastic brackets and parts that make up the robot.

Next we have the heart of the robot and what makes it so cool. The XL-320 servo made by Robotis. This is a digital servo that you daisy chain back to the servo controller. You get 16 in the kit plus one dummy servo for the head.

The servo controller for all 16 servos is the OPENCM 9.04c. There is one in the kit.

To connect the servos to the controller you need cables. The kit includes all of the cables you need to build the robot.

The kit also includes all of the fasteners you need both screws and rivets.

You need tools to assembly the robot you ask. Don't worry is the answer. The kit includes a Phillips screw driver and a rivet tool.

 To power the robot you need two Lipo batteries, battery holders and battery chargers.

To control the robot by remote control you need a Bluetooth receiver.

You also need a USB cable to connect to the OPENCM 9.04c and charge the batteries. You get one in the kit.

To individualize the kit you get a sheet of decals.

Finally, last but not least an assembly and quick start manual!

Parts lists below.

As you can see this is one of the most comprehension and complete robot kits on the market and well worth the 499.99 dollar price.

Below is an unboxing video to watch.

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