Sunday, August 13, 2017

Review of the Robotis Play 600 Pets Kit ,UPDATED (08/27/2017)

This is a great kit to get kids started in robotics. The parts and the build instructions are design with young kids in mind too. I use the Pets kit in both an introduction to robotics class that I teach monthly and at Maker Faires for a build a robot workshop. At the last Maker Faire in Kansas City 2016 we had over 1000 kids build robots with the kit during a two day period. We got hundreds of positive reviews about the kit from both parents and kids alike. Also all 20 plus kits held up well during the weekend. All we had to do was change batteries on a few of the kits!

I have observed in my workshop events that the kit is not just limited to the 7 example robots. There are enough parts in just one kit for kids to experiment with and become creative with the kit.

The kit is recommend for ages 6 and up but I have seen numerous examples of kids ages 4 and 5 having no problems using and building robots with this kit.

So if you want to get your kids interested in robotics then this is the kit for you. This is also a great lead into the ROBOTIS Play 700 OLLO. See my review of this kit here: Link

Below are videos of robots that I created using the Play 600 Pets kits.

Video from one of my robotic classes using the Play 600.

I think the following videos show just how much fun you and your kid can have with this kit.

Where to buy: ROBOTISROBOTIS.USAmazon The price is 39.99 on Amazon.

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