Tuesday, September 12, 2017

ROBOTIS-OP3 Covers 3D Printed by a HP Jet Fusion 3D Printer Through Shapeways.

This is a proof of concept test. So I am looking for feedback. Do you like the quality of the prints? Would you pay money for them? Would you buy them Through a ShapeWays store? Do you want the CAD files to modify them or would you be just happy with the .STL files?

Videos of the HP Jet Fusion 3D printing process.

"HP Strong and Flexible is a Nylon 12 material 3D printed by fusing nylon powder together using black agents and heating lamps. The Gray finish is a heathered gray and the natural color out of the printer, while the Black finish is dyed. The material has high strength and density, which make it ideal for functional parts, such as RC cars and mechanical fixtures. The surface is smooth and semi-glossy, also making it an excellent choice for plastic jewelry and decorative items."

Link to more information about Shapeways HP Jet Fusion 3D printing process.

Unboxing video of the parts from Shapeways.

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