2010 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots.
The conference will be held on December 6-8, 2010 at Nashville, TN, USA. There is a all day workshop with the DARwIn-OP on December 7. Workshop WS5 link.
This link is to the PDF for all of the workshop information.
DARwIn-OP Workshop info:
"DARwIn-OP (Dynamic Anthropomorphic Robot with Intelligence – Open Platform) is an affordable, miniature-humanoid-robot platform with advance computational power, sophisticated sensors, high payload capacity, and dynamic motion ability to enable many exciting research, education, and outreach activities. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the United States, DARwIn-OP is developed by RoMeLa at Virginia Tech in collaboration with Purdue University, University of Pennsylvania, and Robotis Co., based on the award winning DARwIn series humanoid robots in development since 2004.
DARwIn-OP is a true open platform where users are encouraged to modify it in both hardware and software, and various software implementations are possible (C++, Python, LabVIEW, MATLAB, etc.) The open source hardware is not only user serviceable thanks to its modular design, but also can be fabricated by the user. Publically open CAD files for all of its parts, and instructions manuals for fabrication and assembly are available on-line for free. DARwIn-OP can also be purchased from Robotis as a product. A number of units will be distributed to 11 partner universities (including major research universities, RUI institutions, a women's college, and two local high schools) and will be utilized in their classroom teaching and research projects as well as outreach activities.
The objective of this annual workshop is to; introduce DARwIn-OP to the humanoid robotics community to broaden the DARwIn-OP project and form a user community; train the users for use in research, education, and outreach activities; disseminate results of the usage of DARwIn-OP in the classroom; and to obtain feedback from the users for future improvements.
About 20 DARwIn-OP units will be made available to the participants during the workshop for hands-on activities. After the workshop, a number of DARwIn-OP units will be distributed to selected participants from the partner universities for free.
Introduction and demonstrations
Mechanical hardware (overview, dis/assembly, fabrication, maintenance)
Electronics (overview, computing unit, microcontroller, sensors, power)
Software (architecture, programming, various implementation examples)
Simulation (environment, modeling, simulation)
Programming examples and hands-on activities (omni-directional walking, vision based localization, object pick and place, autonomous behaviors for robot soccer)
This workshop is sponsored by NSF under grant CNS-0958406"
I am going to the conference and have signed up for the DARwIn-OP workshop. I hope to post many pictures and videos of the robot in action stay tune to this channel for more updates!
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